Breathe Carbon Free for Life
It's official, the CO2 we exhale is officially a "pollutant" according to a decision by The United States Supreme Court of Justice. Environmental agencies around the world need to consider how to regulate all sources of CO2, which includes breathing! Regulating 'breathing' would be contentious, to say the least, so we've created our Breathe Carbon Free For Life campaign, planting 20 trees with just two bands (bracelets or necklaces) to re-cycle all the Carbon Dioxide or CO2 pollution you exhale every year for a lifetime.
Breathing & The Carbon Cycle
Some argue the CO2 we exhale is already accounted for as we eat the carbon in the plants and animals with whom we are in balance in what’s called the ‘Carbon Cycle’.
But as we pollute the seas, land, and air, and cut down trees, we are upsetting that ‘cycle’ and more and more Carbon is accumulating in the atmosphere. There are now 416 parts per million of Carbon in the atmosphere, up from 412 parts per million last year[3] even with Covid slowing down pollution. So, we need to do all we can:-
“Every little bit of Carbon we take out of the atmosphere helps. Breathe Carbon free is a program to get us started on the road to recycling our own CO2, something we all do equally and without exception”
“So, climb aboard and let’s go on a carbon recycling trip, one band and 10 trees at a time, beginning with breathing, plant 20 lives for a lifetime of pollution free breathing!”.
Bands of Courage
June 2021
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