Trees Please


To plant your trees, we are proud to partner with Eden Reforestation Projects, an American Charity which plants almost 1,000,000 trees a day employing 30,000 local people in 10 countries worldwide. Eden’s details can be found at www.edenprojects.orgwhere we are listed as a Partner. You can plant trees with Eden direct on their website.

We choose to plant your Mangrove trees on the Island of Madagascar for several compelling reasons: -

- its rainforests are over 90% depleted and were once one of our Planet’s six global rainforests known as Nature’s lungs;

- its rainforests have been designated National Parks ensuring your trees live a lifetime which means your trees last your lifetime!

- We plant Mangrove trees which, pound for pound, store more carbon than any other tree in their extensive root systems.

- Mangrove trees help protect Madagascar's coastline, large parts of which are being eroded by rising sea levels caused by global warming.

- Mangroves are unique in being able to survive in salt water and provide a habitat for marine as well as land animals.

- Madagascar has the 3rd highest number of endangered animals in the world after Mexico and Indonesia. 

- 75% of Madagascar's species are unique to Madagascar, so we must save them now!

- We are supporting a workforce of almost 10,000 local Madagascans who plant and look after your trees;

- Every 10 trees create a day’s work for a local Madagascan helping to build vibrant villages in a country where less than half its population uses cash (the rest barter goods to survive!). 

Our Blog post explains how planting Mangrove trees in Madagascar helps Polar bears in the Arctic and Koalas in Australia. 

With effect from Late 2023 we began planting trees with a second tree planting partner, Veritree based in Canada and will be adding further partners in future. We will be adding direct links to their websites when we launch our new website in September 2024. 

By far the majority of our trees are planted at our market stall, not from online sales and these are updated quarterly.