Regular price $25.00 AUD
119 in stock


"But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself" . . . Peace is needed 

Rachel Carson 

As a slogan for protest, Peace really got going in the 1960s in the context of a likely nuclear war between the United States and Russia. It was just at that time Rachel Carson was opening John F Kennedy's eyes to DDT and the chemical industry's treatment of the environment.

JFK set out on nature's side and today nature is as much under siege as peoples' human rights. Peace and Love might have be a mantra from the 1960's, but it's a slogan that is coming back into fashion - This is a band for someone who wants to stylishly remind the world that we are fighting wars with nature and amongst ourselves. 

Size & Fitting

The organic fabric band measures 33cm / 13 inches in length. To fit to size, the length can be trimmed with scissors.

Worn on the wrist or ankles, it is double tied at the back to hold the band in place. The organic nature of the material means it stays put. The band can be sown onto clothes or onto soft furnishings or used as a decoration. 

The Fabric and Yarns 

The processes for making the yarns and dyes for our Bands of Courage date back over a thousand years using authentic processes and ingredients which are not just natural, but highly medicinal.

The fabrics and yarns are certified organic cotton used in the manufacture of clothing and our bands begin as greige or unfinished fabric which pass through 5 stages before recycling:-

  1. De-sizing, washing the greige cloth with natural mineral-rich water and sea salts to remove sizing, gums and oils.
  1. Bleaching, using direct sunlight, and a combination of natural grass and animal manure.
  1. Mordanting, to make colours bright, they are impregnated with mordants such as myraballam, rhubarb leaves, oils, minerals, alum, iron (no heavy metal mordants are used). 
  1. Dyeing, using rich herbs to dye the fabric by immersing the plants themselves directly into the dye bath - the dyes are listed below.
  1. Finishing, by sprinkling the fabric with water and aloe-vera and stretched using hand-rolls; and, finally . . .
  1. Recycling all the solid and liquid wastes, which are used for farming, water the fields and manure.

The dyes used are:-

Haritaki - natural green in colour, it is only grown in parts of the Himalayas and is known as the King of the Herbs. It is a highly potent herb for treating many serious diseases;

Turmeric - a yellow dye, also called 'Indian saffron', it comes from the ginger family and is great for skin complaints;

Indigo - a blue dye from the leaves of the Indigo tincoria, and cures gout amongst other things!

Madder - a red dye known as the 'king of dyes' as it contains alizarin, it is also used as a treatment for pain;

Pomegranate - an ocher-yellow dye which improves colourfastness and as a medicinal herb is great for the heart!

Onion - is used to produce dye colours in shades of orange, yellow, rust and brown, and it's especially good for treating serious skin diseases like Leprosy.

Hand Embroidered Finishes

There are two hand embroidered finished used to create the inscriptions on our fabric bands:-

- Japanese Glass Beads;

- Indian Cotton Thread;

Every band is lovingly made by hand and has its own unique little differences so no two bands are exactly the same.


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